Go through all the health food stores or even shop, and you will certainly find an island or at least a section where they keep the protein bars. I was a big consumer of protein bars themselves, but after a closer look at the ingredients, along with some of the adverse effects experienced as a result I eat, I began to realize that protein bars are not quite what they seem. They are advertised as a healthy protein supplement,but if you've ever tried, you probably have learned the hard way that nothing more than an embarrassing public disaster. If you have not tried to read and find out why.
There are all kinds of protein bars, but only two basic categories. There are those that are marketed as a supplement designed for adding healthy protein in the diet, and then there are others that are designed to be a substitute for a full meal. L 'those bars, the muscles may be so constructed as designed to be a substitute for a full meal is usually full of carbohydrates, seeking where nothing can be so bad. But in health fitness in general as a kind of bar where this bad choice to replace a meal.
carbohydrates that are "contained in" From my experience, the type of meal replacement bar is a combination of simple and complex carbohydrates, with a little 'carbohydrates arequality of sources and other carbohydrates, sugar and high fructose corn syrup, you know (unless you lived in a cave) are not conducive to health and muscle building. I want to avoid these kinds of bars, especially your goal to lose weight is when. I made the mistake of not doing so a few years ago thinking "oh meal replacement bars, must be healthy, is a company selling health food." This thought process should not be more wrong. I would like I would rather be examined carefully the label. If I did, I found that this bar has helped to sabotage the efforts of my weight loss!
The other type of bar, the bar is not designed as an alternative protein meal, but as a healthy alternative for the additional power is just as serious in a different way. The fundamental difference between a "meal replacement bar" and "additional protein bar" is that during the meal replacement> Bar usually contains a high amount of the worst kind of carbohydrate, the extra protein bar is actually very low in carbohydrates. "So, how could such a bad thing, if I want extra protein without carbohydrates?" You might ask yourself this question and the answer is that to compensate for what this bar lacks in flavor, low in carbohydrates, it needs to do to the fat . And what's more is that mostoften than not, there is not only a high fat content in these types of bar, but high in saturated fat and what to do, your heart is not happy in the long run.
As mentioned above, protein bars, a "public disaster embarrassing." Well, this "extra protein bars" are what I meant. You see, these protein bars are sweet, for reasons of taste. However, they also have low-carb at the same timeTime. So how do you make this bar Sweet and Low Carb? The answer is to add artificial sweeteners such as "sugar alcohols" on the counter. While sugar alcohols are carbohydrates, which cause adverse effects on blood sugar levels and therefore do not need counted as carbohydrates. Some of these polyols, you can see the labels on the bars with names such as maltitol, sorbitol and erithritol. These ingredientsDay happen to have a laxative effect when people so that they are like most, after eating this type of protein bars, will be frequently and uncontrollably during flatulating.
I hope that after reading this, make the right choice to choose not to have protein bars, and when you eat them right away, I hope this helps to stop the choice to eat them. It 's very own balanced meal replacement healthier by adding protein powder and a piece of fruit to makeWater or skim milk. And if you want bass - Shake carb, leave the fruit and / or use the milk to be consumed only protein or close to it.
Sincerely yours in health,
James Ryan Hallmark