One of my favorite phrase is "just because its" natural "does not mean that it is good for you. In fact, tobacco is" natural "is not good! Arsenic is natural, and definitely not good!" It 'obvious that these things are not good for us (yet some people choose to smoke again). What may not be obvious that fructose, a natural sugar found in fruit can be just as harmful if not used correctly: too much at once, with sugar, has all the juices in the lateEvening before bed, and even all day, unless coupled with a significant amount of protein.
The latest research on fructose under the title "Fructose, weight gain, and insulin resistance syndrome" by Sharon S. Elliott, Nancy L. Keim, Judith S. Stern, Karen Teff, and Peter J. Havel wrote suggests that in this case, "natural" is not always the best choice. Thanks to the Atkins diet and many other low-carb supporters or not, manufacturers make lowercarb bars and products, because they want to prevent our body from insulin-secreting too. Please note that insulin may be a good thing when properly manipulated as lead to muscle growth and definition.
One of the many things that makes the fructose (fruit sugar) is very different from that of table sugar and all other forms of sugar, is that fructose does not cause the release of insulin. This means that if fruit sugar in the blood, the pancreas does notasked to secrete insulin. Insulin is used for storing sugar in our muscles and other body cells, and then integrate fully into fat cells than other cells. Because fructose does not cause a reaction or insulin secretion, this means that sugar hanging fruit to get our blood circulation, since it is not saved, because it tends to cause insulin to its storage. What happens to these sugars might ask? Well, it ends up binding or sticking to our red blood cells or hemoglobin andCreating a compound called hemoglobin or hemoglobin A1c, a marker of doctors and nutritionists to increase research glycosylated in diabetic patients.
Another negative factor for fructose to skip one of the steps of sugar metabolism in the liver. This step is a control mechanism for sending a message of satiety to the central nervous system. The same study cited showed that the use of high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) may be the main reasonobesity in children and a major cause of type II diabetes in children. The study says that fat cells in these children with type II diabetes with fat to the point where no more fat was being "accepted" saturated with these cells. This causes the fat in the bloodstream and result in constipation pancreas, beta cells are destroyed, for the production of insulin.
Those of you who know me, and / or individual on my diet plan, knowI never recommend fruit juice in any program. All fruit in its original form is the best source of vitamins and minerals obtained from healthy fruit. It takes three (3) 4 oz orange to be done. Orange juice. They are better to eat one (1) orange, such as cellulose fiber, and a number of vitamins and minerals, fruit juice lacks.
Finally, to obtain the best results and a healthier life, proteins, fats and carbohydrates combined in every meal, stay away from all sourcesmore fructose than fresh fruit (one serving, consisting of 15 grams of carbohydrates or an exchange) and to choose carbohydrates select those in which sugar is less than twenty percent of the total carbohydrate content of this product. It can be difficult to compare fructose tobacco and arsenic, but the main difference between them, that excessive consumption of fructose will take longer to kill tobacco and arsenic.
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