Thursday, December 15, 2011

Low Carb Almond Joy Bar

*"powdered sugar substitute" is made from 1/2 cup of Splenda mixed with 1/4 cup xylitol and blended until the consistency of powdered sugar. I store this in a jar to use as needed. In this recipe I use 2 TBS. of this for the chocolate coating. Do not use Splenda alone or you won't get the same results. You need either Erithrytol or Xylitol with chocolate or you won't get very good results. Truvia is available in most Groceries and is a mix of Stevia and Erithrytol. The first time I made this I made it with the "powdered sugar" mix in the bar ingredients and it came to actually less net carbs than in this video with using 3 packets of Truvia. If you experiment with other sweeteners and come up with a lower carb count that tastes as great let me know! These are very rich and satisfying with a little bit. Works for my busy morning schedule for a pick-me-up since I use the carbs, but for some 6 g. net carbs for a snack may be a bit much. YMMV Written recipe and nutrition info will be available on my blog: Background music from

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