Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Diabetes diet - low carbohydrate breakfast, lunch

A diet for diabetics diabetes after a high protein, low carbohydrate diabetes diet.



6 eggs
1 oz tofu, tofu cut into more or preferably in the company around. 1 / 4 - 3 / 8 inch cubes
1 / 4 - 1 / 3 cup. grated mozzarella


1 / 2 tsp. Chesapeake Bay seasoning or seasoned chef Paul Prudhomme Magic;
1 tsp. Montreal Chicken seasoning
3 / 4 tsp. Powder orchicken bouillon granules
6 drops hot sauce of Louisiana
8-10 drops of Worcestershire sauce

Heat nonstick skillet over medium heat with a little 'in (1 tsp.) Olive oil. Place in a bowl, scrambled eggs with spices, add tofu cubes, add mozzarella cheese and combine. Pour the egg mixture into pan and go up, cook gently until scrambled. Pour on a plate and enjoy. The book is addressed to a man. Adjust accordingly for women or smaller appetites.



January 1 to 1 / 4 pound salad from a grocery store salad bar, choice of:

Red or green pepper strips
Onion Rings
Feta, about 3 tablespoons
strips of chicken breast, which is about a chicken breast (5 ounces) or four ounces of imitation crab.

Combine ingredients, served in season with McCormick's Season All salt or other spices with red wine vinegar or ciderVinegar (about 1 to 2 ounces).

red wine vinegar to taste better and red wine vinegar because it contains many of the positive antioxidant components of red wine suggested, without alcohol. Apple cider vinegar can also be used.

A low-carb diet diabetes with the vinegar has been shown to lower blood sugar effect. Consume the vinegar / cheese / spice mixture into the bowl on the left at the end of eating the salad.

The amount is for a targetPeople. Adjust accordingly for women or smaller appetites.

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