Saturday, May 21, 2011

Why I went Paleo - 04:20:11 Vlog Day 10

Other videos at cats play Paleo Why go? After years of chronic pain and fatigue, I started experimenting with food. Eventually I was free, low carb / low corn gluten and processed foods or additives. This daily movement (yoga, walking, hiking) and a better mental state combined with the practice has almost completely freed me from a long list of problems. Fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, tension headaches, interstitial cystitis, chronic stomachProblems. After finding the right combination, I realized it was the same as "paleo" and now I understand why this worked for me today meals: Breakfast - scrambled eggs with green chili, bacon and Yerba Mate L - Tanka Bar (Buffalo. to shots) D - Left Over Wild Burger on lettuce w / Guaco, and the spring of dark chocolate Mayo

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