Pre-race diet - about 30 minutes before a race will receive one or more "Little Debbie" snack cakes (or equivalent) and eating about 200-350 calories. In most cases, a single package is done. A good choice may also be a dimension of oatmeal cream pie, a large or Double Fudge Brownie Pack bars Nutt. This is a nice concentration of carbohydrates in the blood led just in time for your event. This also assumes that your event is not more than 20-25 minutes. For moreEvents you need to play with your diet and maybe eat some, a second portion in the minutes before the event (such as a marathon or 10k). For really long runs like a marathon, you should consider eating at regular intervals throughout the race, but that's another story.
Pre-race hydration - For more events involving yourself with adequate hydration are, so they do not suffer from dehydration during the race. In general, the stomach can absorb about 1Liters of water per hour. cold liquids absorb quickly than warm fluids, so always drink, if possible, cold liquids. A sports drink Gatorade or Powerade is so, during and shortly before the exercise, because they contain a balanced mix of electrolytes and carbohydrates. For short events (30 minutes or less), probably not going to suffer from dehydration of the event and you can not drink more in minutes before these events, or who may sufferInflate the stomach, their performance can affect not just thirsty. For these short events, the plan to complete hydration of fully 30 minutes before the event. The idea is that you want to be your stomach, come mostly empty time, the event to all complaints that may occur to minimize.
Pre-Workout Nutrition - As training usually lasts much longer than a run of 3.2 miles, you have to worry about food and drinks at work. In general, the sameRule does not eat normal food in two hours before training is considered. scenario race, how you eat a (high carb Snack 200-350 calories) about 30 minutes before the drawing. You'll probably want to eat a Little Debbie snack cake about ½ in the minutes immediately before training. A good time for this is covered only after and just before your workout.
Eating and drinking while working out - should consume during exercise at highcarb snack of approximately 150-200 calories per 30 minutes. In most cases you can achieve this by drinking approximately 16 grams of Gatorade or Powerade and eat a little Debbie snack cakes ½. She does not want to try all the calories of a sports drink or just to get a sweet snack, because you always end or dehydrated or swollen. You should try to find a balance between the two strikers. It is a constant supply of carbohydrates to fuel your muscles while. Practice
Post-race training and nutritional recovery
Perhaps the most misunderstood aspect of training is that during the two hours after a hard workout or race. Do it and be ready and updated for the later date to start training with a minimum of pain and fatigue. Do it wrong and you have every moment of your daily practice and your performance will suffer significantly hatred.
For starters, you do not want to eat fat-freeduring the two hours after the training! This means zero calories from fat. What you want is a balance of protein and carbohydrate intake, stimulate insulin production and correct supply of glycogen in muscle cells.
My recipe is a pure protein drink with about 24-30 grams of powdered whey protein drink with him. Want whey protein instead of other types, since it has proven to be most effective when it comes to recovering muscles. They are alsowant to be sure that your drink does not contain other "supplements improve performance, as this not only the cost of protein powder, but also useless when it comes to post workout recovery.
Next you want to like drinking, drink about 24-32 grams of a high carb. Excellent examples would punch (any flavor) in Hawaii, Hi-C Blast (any flavor) Lemonade or Sam's Choice (Wal-Mart). You should see the labels and make sure that drinking at least 120Calories per serving 8 oz careful to avoid drinks with "low carb" versions of these and you'll notice that some of the drinks have less calories than their counterparts Fruchtsaft-/aromatisierte.
Yet even think to consume Gatorade or Powerade for a drink after recovery. The reason for this is that they are very low in carbohydrates (usually about 50 calories per 8 ounces) and while this is ideal for during training, this is not always sufficient for apost recovery drink. Remember, you want about 400-500 calories of carbohydrate during your recovery drink after drink, and try to do this you need with Gatorade you drink a bit 'more gallons in under an hour and a half to do. If you're a camel through the design, this is more likely barfing all over the place before moving again!
The idea is that you want to speed up the maximum amount of carbohydrate in the blood, so that insulin canconvert these carbohydrates into glycogen and glycogen pull this into your muscle cells as quickly as possible. And 'demonstrated that there is a "two-hour window of opportunity immediately after workouts, when your body will perform this task to its faster. Wait' til after this window of opportunity, and may take several days or more They lost to completely restore the glycogen, so you can see this time is the essence!
Whatever the amount of protein drink or drink carbThe consumer is very important to keep this appropriate percentage of protein vs carbohydrate when. You want to stand on a protein of 20% and 80% carbohydrate by weight (grams). In the example above, you will see that the protein drink 8 ounces of powdered whey ball (24-30 grams of protein) to drink in proportion to the 32 oz Hi-C (about 100-125 grams of carbohydrates). Of course, you must play with the proportions a bit 'to compensate for the fact thatthe actual amount of carbohydrates varies from drink to drink but is simple math in your head shape.
The scientific reason for the actions referred to above has now been established that the addition of a mix of protein 20% carbohydrate intake is only about twice the insulin response in your body. It is essential that this insulin response that the actual conversion of carbohydrates leads to glycogen and glycogen injected directly into muscle cells. It was also foundFat is known to inhibit the insulin response and recovery of glycogen poor, the result will be.
In addition to the above drinks, you might want to consider to fill a number of multi-vitamins to help with the critical elements for muscle regeneration. For dinner, try to eat more complex carbohydrates in the form of pasta, rice, bread or cereals. This balance with a portion of protein as chicken, fish or meat as well. For breakfast you should eatbalanced blend of carbohydrates and proteins. Healthy examples include bagels, eggs, cereals, toast, sausage, bacon and the like. Avoid sugary breakfast like fruit loops and pop tarts. Also you can find that can also cause much in the way of fresh fruit or fruit juice with stomach cramps and diarrhea, do not like. Only you know if you run lots of fruit as part of your diet. You should also fill your diet with a good mix of vegetables e.
In general, there will beto provide complex carbohydrates as part of meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner. You should only deal with simple carbohydrates (sweets and snacks of fruit punch) for the period on your training. Follow these guidelines and athletic performance will be better than you might imagine.
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